Friday, March 3, 2017

Winter wrap-up--getting the garden ready for spring

March has arrived, which can only mean one thing: spring is right around the corner. Since we had a milder-than-usual winter in the Northeast, I'm eager to get my spring flowerbeds prepped, but I must put the brakes on that plan. March--and even April--have been known to throw climatic curve balls. Best to keep the oak leaves covering tender perennials for a few more weeks.

Still, Spring is in the air and I'm enjoying the clues nature is doling out: magnolia buds, tulips and hyacinths sprouting. Green moss everywhere. What a minute! Moss everywhere? It's a fine sight to see in places I've encouraged it to grow. Not so welcome in other areas. For that reason, I've begun to think of this illustrious time of year as "baking soda month."

Armed with my jumbo-sized box (for $1.98), I take to my front lawn, sprinkling it onto emerald patches like fairy dust. I then relentlessly grind my foot into the areas where moss is marked for extinction. This aggressive action forces the baking soda into the moss roots, killing them. Harsh, I know, but you have to get at it early. Come April, moss spores take to the air. That's moss-speak for "go forth and multiply." Next thing you know, you've got a whole new generation of the green stuff taking up residence in your lawn and flower beds.

A little due diligence is pretty easy this time of year. I mean, really, what else is there to do this early in the season, besides dream of the perfect outdoor space? Take the time to pull the plug on moss now. Your thriving spring garden will thank you for it in a month or two.

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