Thursday, February 4, 2016

Make plant care an everyday affair

Plants thrive with just a bit of TLC, so get into the habit of tending to them much like you care for your pets. You wouldn't let a day pass without giving your four-legged friends food, a drink of water, or a tender pat; be just as attentive to the flora as the fauna, and you'll revel in the buds and greenery your plants produce.

It's easy to incorporate plant care into your everyday activities once you get the hang of it.  Studies show that if you repeat something 18 times, it becomes a habit, so remember to "think green" each time you engage in the daily, weekly or monthly chores below:

1.Whenever you boil or steam vegetables, pour the water into an empty pot rather than down the drain. After letting the water cool, use it to water potted plants--they love this vitamin-and mineral-rich "vegetable soup."

2.Use leftover tea and coffee grounds to maintain the acid level of plants such as azaleas, rhododendrons, and blueberries (just to name a few acid-lovers). A sprinkling of about one-quarter of an inch applied once a month will keep the pH of the soil on the acidic side.

3.Chamomile tea controls damping-off fungus, which can attack seedlings quite suddenly. Add a spot of tea to the soil around the base of seedlings once a week or use it as a foliar spray.

4. A super-quick method of drying herbs: lay a sheet of newspaper on the seat of your car, arrange the herbs in a single layer, roll up all the windows and close all doors. Your herbs will be quickly dried to perfection, and your car will smell like a fresh spring day.

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