Friday, March 31, 2017

Spring shape-up

Ever since my husband bought me a Fitbit this past Christmas I've been viewing the world through a healthier prism. Calculating my energy output and calorie intake has actually become fun. Now that Spring's here, I've happily discovered my longtime love of digging in the dirt pays off big time when it comes to decreasing stress and increasing muscle mass. Here's how:

Mentally: A productive day in the garden boosts self-esteem and focus, while reducing tension. Raking leaves, pulling weeds and prepping soil provides meditative energy which soothes us and teaches us to concentrate on individual tasks--and accomplishing our gardening goals makes us feel purposeful. To make the most of the experience, unplug. Leaving your electronic devices inside helps you disconnect from the wider world, enabling you to revel in the sounds of birdsong and sweet spring breezes. Hint: deep breaths--in through the nose, out through the mouth--enhance the relaxation effect.

Physically: A mere plant-watering session (30 minutes per day) burns more than 50 calories. Imagine how much energy you'll expend tidying up your backyard! Not such a tough row to hoe, is it? Bad puns aside, turning over dirt, collecting--and dumping--debris in wheelbarrows, and crisscrossing your yard dozens of times takes a lot work, but it also burns calories. And it gives back too--in the form of muscle-strengthening exercise. I spent an afternoon cleaning up my yard last week and recorded 20,000 steps on my Fitbit. That's more than 8 miles of walking!

Another plus: tending to your own outdoor spaces is cheaper than hiring someone else to do it. Make the commitment to shape up your landscape and enhance your health in the process. Spend the money you saved on a trip or a special treat for yourself. I plan on getting a mani-pedi and taking a two-week road trip!

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